Do you live in Penrith?

Do you need a locksmith in the Penrith area?
Well look no further because we can help you! Cameron Stewart Security is located in the Penrith area and pride ourself on our reliability and punctual nature of our business.

We can help you with a range of things weather it be that you're locked out of your house or car, weather it be you've lost your keys and want new locks for safety, in the event you want home security such as a camera system or alarm system the locksmith at Cameron stewart security in Penrith is for you.

Cameron Stewart Security is an australian owned business providing support not only in Penrith but the greater western sydney area.

Call us on or simply fill out our contact us form for a quote, question or service request
What services do we provide?
Your local security experts can help you with anything from lock repairs to setting up alarm and surveilance systems, we guarentee we'll find a solution for you!

Our services include (but are not limited to):
Check out our other service locations:
Is your area not listed?
Call us on and we can let you know if we service your area.